You have a project and would like to have access to our equipments and unique expertise?
Infrastructure de Recherche (FR 2054)
Since 2008 France has established a national network of flagship NMR facilities providing High-Resolution and High-Field capabilities, making available the latest cutting edge developments to a broad community of national and international users.
This multi-sited structure features research teams of international visibility providing a unique combinations of high-cost and high-performance instruments and associated skills in development of methods and application to biology, chemistry, physics, geology, or materials sciences.
The Lyon site is committed to provide one third of its experimental time on two of its highest magnets (1000 and 800 WB) and associated expertise [200 days per year] to the community, through a constantly open call for proposals.
Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-rays for Translational Research
The iNEXT-Discovery consortium aims to facilitate the generation of knowledge for the development of new drugs, advanced vaccines, novel biomaterials, engineered enzymes for food production, efficient biofuels, and other benefits. iNEXT-Discovery will do that by enabling leading European facilities to offer advanced technological instrumentation and expertise to all European scientists, allowing them to perform high-end structural biology research with state-of-the-art equipment that is often unavailable in their home countries.
Pan-European solid-state NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access
The development of modern chemistry relies on our capacity to investigate with atomic-level resolution increasingly complex solid substrates in frontier research areas crossing disciplines from catalysis and energy materials through polymers to pharmaceutical formulations and medical implants. Thanks to a number of recent breakthroughs in instrumentation and methodology, solid-state NMR spectroscopy is uniquely positioned today to characterize the structure and dynamics at the atomic-level, and reveal morphology in solids. However, state-of-the-art methods rely on the use of sophisticated and costly solid-state NMR equipment that is only available in a handful of national facilities. The rarity of the instrumentation and associated operational know-how has restricted the uptake of these enabling methods by the broader base.
PANACEA addresses this issue by bringing together, and integrating on the European scale, seven national infrastructures across Europe and incorporating one infrastructure in the United States, and opening them to all European chemists, from both academia and industry.
Une plateforme RMN d’excellence centrée entreprises au service de l’innovation en chimie et santé
As part of the IRICE program (Installations de Recherche et d’Innovation Centrées Entreprises) of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the CRMN has been funded a 3.2 M€ project ("An NMR platform centered on excellence in the service of the innovation in chemistry and health "), to undertake a major upgrade of the NMR platform (consoles and last generation probes). Supported by competitiveness clusters, notably Axelera and Lyonbiopôle, by research institutes such as Bioaster and Canceropôle Clara, and a first circle of companies in the Region, the project aims to provide regional companies with integrated access to our NMR platform to meet their growing needs in terms of analytical characterization in the fields of chemistry and health, and more generally will help to increase the NMR's visibility to regional socio-economic actors, its integration into the innovation ecosystem, and the transfer of technology.